A Journey Abroad: Hortense’s Study Exchange Experience in Spain

“One of the most remarkable lessons I’ve learned from this study exchange is the ability to find home in a new place. It goes beyond physical surroundings and taps into the incredible power of adaptation. This experience has taught me the strength that comes from reducing resistance to change and embracing the unknown. By cultivating an open mindset and a willingness to step out of my comfort zone, I have grown in ways I never thought possible.”

About Hortense

Curiosity is the engine that drives my journey” says Hortense Utuje, a 25-year-old student hailing from the captivating landscapes of Rwanda, East Africa. Currently on her fourth-year study exchange at the University of Vic in Spain, Hortense is a dedicated student at Epitech Rennes, eager to expand her horizons and delve into new frontiers of knowledge.

A Curious Mind Unleashing its Potential in Spain

My journey into the world of technology began with a humble old PC that seemed to have a mind of its own” Hortense recalls. “It worked only 50% of the time, leaving me frustrated and unable to indulge in one of my favorite pastimes—watching Mulan repeatedly. It was during those moments of annoyance and curiosity that my fascination with understanding the inner workings of computers was sparked.”

Hortense’s journey into the world of coding and computer science was not one of overnight success. “I wasn’t a prodigy like Bill Gates, but my passion grew steadily over time” she shares. “I dedicated myself to learning, exploring, and overcoming challenges, determined to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to make a difference in the field.”

Driven by an insatiable curiosity, Hortense’s current focus lies in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning. “I find myself captivated by the power of language and its intersection with technology.” Hortense explains. “My ongoing Epitech Innovation Project (EIP) centers around text summarization of lengthy and monotonous documents, such as Terms of Services or Privacy Policies. I aim to unravel the complexities of NLP and contribute my own solutions to make these documents more accessible and comprehensible.”

While Hortense’s passion lies in the world of technology, she is not one to be confined by a single pursuit. “Music has always been a source of solace and self-expression for me” Hortense reveals. “Whether it’s singing, even if it causes a few ears to bleed, or strumming the guitar to create harmonious melodies, music is an integral part of my life.”

With her unwavering determination and insatiable thirst for knowledge, Hortense Utuje embodies the spirit of a lifelong learner and an aspiring changemaker. As she embarks on her exchange program in the vibrant region of Catalunya, Spain, she aims to immerse herself in new experiences, unravel the mysteries of NLP, and leave an indelible mark on the world of computer science.

Join us as we accompany Hortense on her transformative journey, exploring her discoveries, insights, and the experiences that shape her growth during her exchange program at the University of Vic in Catalunya, Spain.

Finding the Perfect Study Exchange Destination

When it came to choosing the ideal study exchange destination, I had two primary criteria in mind. Firstly, I yearned for an opportunity to expand my knowledge and explore diverse topics within the field of computer science. Secondly, I was eager to immerse myself in a new language, opening doors to a richer cultural experience. It was in the northeast of Spain, nestled within the enchanting Catalonian city of Vic, that I found the perfect match: the University of Vic.

The University of Vic, located in the province of Barcelona, resonated with my desire for intellectual growth and diversity. As a student of Epitech Rennes, I knew that to truly broaden my horizons, I needed to step outside my comfort zone and embrace new perspectives. The university offered a curriculum that would allow me to delve into various computer science topics, enabling me to deepen my understanding and expertise.

The choice to study at the University of Vic and experience the charm of Catalunya was a natural decision, a “no-brainer” as they say. The combination of academic excellence and linguistic diversity offered an inspiring and enriching environment that I couldn’t resist.”

My arrival in Spain 

The University of Vic has a vibrant community of international exchange students, ensuring a smooth integration into the school and beyond. Despite my limited language skills, I immediately felt at ease and never out of place. The warm welcome I received surpassed my expectations, and I quickly formed exceptional friendships with fellow exchange students who shared a similar experience. Together, we embarked in this transformative journey, embracing the warmth of the local community while creating lasting memories.”

Balancing Personal and Professional Life Abroad

” During my stay in Spain, I have had the pleasure of exploring various courses offered by the university. One standout was Computer Vision, where I gained valuable insights into prototyping computer vision systems using Matlab. It was a challenging yet fascinating course, and my final project involved extracting vehicle plate numbers from images, broadening my knowledge in unexpected ways.

Beyond the campus, the city of Vic captivated me with its Romanesque heritage and strong Catalan culture. Exploring the mountains surrounding Vic has been a highlight, with endless opportunities for hiking adventures with friends. When the city felt too familiar, I ventured to nearby cities such as Girona, Puigcerda, Tarragona, Valencia, and the iconic Barcelona. Each  of this places offered its own unique experiences and adding depth to my understanding of Spain’s diversity.

Balancing personal and professional life while studying abroad has been a rewarding journey. The challenges I’ve faced in coursework have honed my skills and resilience, while cultural exploration has broadened my perspective of the world. I am grateful for the growth I’ve experienced, both academically and personally, and I eagerly anticipate the continued adventures that await.”

What this experience brought to Hortense

“One of the most remarkable lessons I’ve learned from this study exchange is the ability to find home in a new place. It goes beyond physical surroundings and taps into the incredible power of adaptation. This experience has taught me the strength that comes from reducing resistance to change and embracing the unknown. By cultivating an open mindset and a willingness to step out of my comfort zone, I have grown in ways I never thought possible.

Hortense’s advices to our future tek4 students

“As a future student at the University of Vic, there are a few things to consider before embarking on this exciting chapter of your academic journey :

Firstly, choose your courses wisely: Ensure that the courses you select are available at the Vic Campus. If not, be prepared to arrange affordable transportation to the other Campus in Granollers. Planning ahead will save you time and ensure a smooth academic experience.

Start your housing search early: Given that Vic is a small city, the availability of good housing locations is limited. Begin your search as early as June to secure a comfortable and convenient place to live. This will allow you to focus on your studies and fully immerse yourself in the university experience.

Lastly, prepare to have a blast: Embrace this incredible opportunity with an open mind and a sense of adventure. Get ready to meet new people, explore new cultures, and create lasting memories. This experience is not only about academics but also about personal growth and self-discovery.

Remember, this journey is what you make of it. Approach each day with enthusiasm, embrace the challenges, and savor the moments of joy and growth. The University of Vic offers a vibrant community and a wealth of opportunities—make the most of them!

Good luck on your upcoming adventure!”

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