Xavier Núñez: “Epitech has the vocation of being a specialised institution in the field of technology and digital innovation”.

On 4 March, Xavier Núñez, Director of Epitech Spain, spoke in an interview with elEconomista, a Spanish daily newspaper which focuses on economical, financial and business affairs.

In Epitech we are aware that IT and innovation are fundamental for the progress of our societies. Our university school offers a variety of computer science programs and has an international network of 20 campuses. Through its innovative pedagogy based on the accomplishment of different projects, Epitech allows its students to convert their passion for computer science into a future successful career.

In the interview below, Xavier Núñez, director of Epitech Spain, explains what defines Epitech’ methodology:

How has Epitech adapted to the changes in recent years?

We have adapted to the changes on several fronts: on the one hand, we have moved even closer to the world of business, expanding the range of companies with which we work locally, both for internships for students and to promote other types of joint activities. We have also increased interaction with other international Epitech campuses to improve the global experience of our students and finally, we have favoured the combination of remote work tools with face-to-face teaching, which is always essential for the learning process of our students.

What is the main feature of Epitech that differentiates it from other institutions?

There are several relevant differences, but we can summarise them in its pedagogical method based on the implementation of projects from the first day of class, the completion of several internships from the second year of studies and the international approach; both due to the use of English throughout their entire years of studies and the collaboration with students from other Epitech international campuses, without forgetting that the fourth year is carried out in international partner universities recognised worldwide.

What are Epitech’s most popular learning programmes?

Epitech has the vocation of being an institution specialising in the field of technology and digital innovation, fields that are already very comprehensive of their own. On one hand, there are our undergraduate and master’s degree courses in IT, highly focused on software development and its application in the real world through different innovation projects; on another hand we offer a unique intensive programme called “Coding Academy“, which is much more focused on professional reorientation, and which involves the participation of young graduates or professionals from other specialities.

What role does internationalisation play in Epitech?

It is fundamental for the development of our students as it allows them to have a broader vision of the world around them, detect opportunities and find solutions to their problems, all thanks to the great mobility of students within our international campus network, the possibility of collaborating in other international projects or doing internships abroad. This offers them a very relevant competitive advantage when they will start their professional career.

Why should students choose Epitech for their studies?

Above all, because they will find an environment comparable to the current technology companies and start-ups where they will acquire practical knowledge from the very first moment and will have the real feeling of starting a new type of experience that is more motivating and strongly focused on their professional success.

Could you tell us more about Epitech’s teaching methodology?

Epitech’s proposal is based on three fundamental pillars: firstly, project-based learning from day one, including multiple innovation projects. Secondly, the different internships in different IT companies facilitates the connection with the professional world from the beginning of studies. Finally, the international environment, thanks to the multicultural nature of our campuses. Moreover, in the fourth year of their studies, our students have the opportunity to do an exchange in one of our 120 international partner universities. This allows them to better assimilate their knowledge, as well as developing new transversal competences or soft skills that are crucial in a highly complex professional world usually undergoing great changes and challenges.

Why is IT and innovation training programmes so important?

Whether due to the digital transformation processes that the majority of companies are undergoing in our country or due to the arrival of new technological projects by multinationals and start-ups in a phase of rapid growth; more and more experts in digital technology are being required, causing an exponential increase in job offers, as well as an improvement in the conditions and opportunities for all these experts, which is why we are talking about a sector not only with a great future but also with an immense present.

How does Epitech interact with the labour market?

On one hand, we participate very actively and in collaboration with companies so that 100% of our students can carry out at least 3 internships during their studies with a duration of 4 to 6 months each. We also organise different activities with these companies, both to promote their projects and to organise interesting activities for both parties, such as workshops, hackathons, and finally, we have had a special agreement with NTT Data (formerly Everis) for a couple of years now to provide scholarships to some of our first-year students.

For more information regarding Epitech Spain click here.

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