Celebration of the 5th anniversary of Epitech Barcelona

We were delighted to recently celebrate the 5th anniversary of Epitech Barcelona and the inauguration of its brand-new campus !

On this occasion, leading figures from the political, technological and digital fields have attended the event, such as Olivier Ramadour, the General Consul of France in Barcelona and Albert Castellanos, the Secretary for Enterprise and Competitiveness of the Catalonian Regional Government, as well as members of EPITECH’s management team.

It is very important for Catalonia to have institutions such as EPITECH, which is promoting the development of technological and digital talent, one of the great sources of competitiveness of our economy. […] talent has become Catalonia’s main asset, both to grow the ecosystem of local startups and digital companies and to continue attracting foreign investment projects in the technological field“.

Albert Castellanos, Secretary for Enterprise and Competitiveness

The renovation of the EPITECH campus in Barcelona comes in response to the great number of inscriptions that the school has received since its establishment. As a result of this growth, it is expected that in the future more companies within the local ecosystem will be able to benefit from the talent of its technological profiles, in addition to the importance of attracting the international professionals that the Catalan capital currently needs.

5 years retrospective

Since its establishment in Barcelona in the last 5 years, more than 400 students have been formed in Epitech Barcelona, 150 of them being international students. We have also signed around 70 collaboration agreements with companies, thanks to which more than 100 Epitech students have been able to carry out their professional internships. Among the local companies with which EPITECH has signed collaboration agreements and in which our students and graduates are currently working, we can name NTT Data, Privalia, DHL, Roche, Webfleet Solutions and YEGO, although the institution works with all kinds of companies, from start-ups to large consulting firms and multinationals.

We are extremely proud to see that the employment rate of our students after graduation is close to 100%. That means that they are well recognized in the professional world for their skills, their ability to adapt to new situations and for their team spirit.”

Albert Romans, Marketing and Business Development Director in Epitech Barcelona

What are our expectations for the next 5 years?

” We have decided to expand and renovate our campus in Barcelona in order to consolidate its growth and train more than 1,000 students over the next five years“.

Xavier Nuñez, General Director of Epitech Barcelona

Within the growing demand for computer science and digital profiles at an international level, EPITECH expectations for the next five years is to double the figures achieved to date and train more than 1,000 students. With this goal in mind, we have renewed and expanded our campus which is now more than 1.000 m2. The new facilities are located in the Vila Olímpica close to 22@ the city’s technological hub.

Reducing the gender gap

Another important objective of Epitech is to “contribute to the gender gap reduction in computer science and digital fields “, in response to which Xavier Nuñez plans to “reach a ratio of around 30% women” in the new graduating class of Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Computer Science.

For more information regarding Epitech Barcelona click here.

5 years retrospective video – Epitech Barcelona

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